Welcome !

Welcome to "element-tao". The "Tao", in a philosophical sense, is the way the universe functions, the "path", taken by natural events. "element", a component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts which may be resolved by analysis. Thus, "element-tao", where the world of sound, music, nature, and the universe, is one.

Our universe is the source of all energy. Energy is vibration, music is vibration, and therefore, music is energy. We all know that music affects our mood, and mental state, as well as our physical well being in general. ;It's no secret that babies in the womb are influenced by the sounds that they are exposed to during this period. Music can make us feel good, sympathetic, meditative or energetic. So enjoy and experience the music in your life.


When I look at a tree, I am always reminded of the important role that trees play in our environment. Besides providing beautiful landscapes, they generate oxygen, consume CO2 and provide shade for protection from the sun’s heat. It’s a win-win for climate change. There are other factors at play that aren’t readily apparent. I for one feel a spiritual connection that transcends the senses. It makes me feel a close connection to nature.

Life On A Soap Bubble

A good friend of mine, Tony Treadway,@TonyTreadwayArt,(musician/songwiter/artist), sent me a beautiful photoshop collage that he had created earlier in the year.
In Tony’s own words, “this artwork represented an analogy for the fragility of life , as in the fragile surface of a soap bubble.
Now, more than ever, it is becoming clear that we are travelers on this planet and we should not take things for granted. Knowing that we will all head home eventually, I want to spread as much love and comfort as I can before I move on”.

The Theory Of Nothing

Finally, a new composition / video........
I thought that after a few months of quarantine, I would be able to crank out some new arrangements, but that did not happen at first. Finally I was able to pull together a concept for a new composition based on my interest in the idea of infinity.
I have always been fascinated with quantum physics research. I love reading about research where physicists are “playing” with the idea of infinity in both directions , ie; infinitesimal ,sub atomic particles, to large concepts of the universe.